Reed & Mackay
Passenger Information
The 1st June 2019 took effect the new 830d Resolution of IATA (International Air Transport Association) with the objective to offer a better service to the traveller by providing notifications to customers in the case of alterations on the reserved flights.
For this reason, from the mentioned date it is necessary to provide airline companies the telephone and/or the email address when a new booking is made, so airlines might able to contact the passengers when operational issues cause interruption of normal operations.
If you decline to provide such information, we need to get it in writing to notify the airline company according to the given regulation. In the event of exercising this option you may not receive notifications from the airline relating to flight cancellations or schedule changes (including delay in departure).
Due the fact this a resolution imposed by IATA affecting private data and the privacy policy we would appreciate you give us your consent with the resolution and provide us your telephone number and/or email.