Barcelona(+34) 93 367 24 22C/ Calvet, 55 – 08021 Order Number Traveler Profile - General Information Company Personal Information Name * Según Pasaporte Surname * Según Pasaporte Gender * Male Female Date of birth * Telephone * Mobile * E-mail * Role Passport Number Passport Date of Issue Passport Expiry Date Nationality * Passport Country of Issue Passport City of Issue ID * Letra incluida Operation Data Need approval? Yes No Authorizer's Name Authorizer's E-mail Authorizer's Telephone Manage by yourself travel services? Yes No Applicant's Name Applicant's E-mail Applicant's Telephone Regular Railway Station Regular Airport of origin Booking Types Self-manage travel services For others Billing Details Selecció dades de facturacio Yes No Departament Employee Number Cost Center Project Authorizer Attendee Preferences Selecció preferencies Yes No Seats (long-haul) Ventana Pasillo Indiferente Seats (short-haul) Ventana Pasillo Indiferente Dietary requirements Credit Card Selecció tarjeta de credit Yes No Credit card 1 Credit Card Holder Name Credit Card Number Expiry Date CCV Code Credit card 2 Credit Card Holder Name Credit Card Number Expiry Date CCV Code Credit Card as guarantee For Hotel / Car rental Selecció tarjeta garantia Yes No Credit Card Holder Name Credit Card Number Expiry Date CCV Code Loyalty cards To add points, names and surnames need to match the ones in the passport Selecció tarjeta fidelització Yes No selecció tipus targetes Airlines Hotels Car rental Privacy Policy GDPR * Accept privacy policy I consent to allow Reed & Mackay to provide my personal data to Airline companies, telephone and/or email address, when they need to book flight/s, with the purpose that airlines are able to contact me in the case of alterations on the reserved flight. * I give my consent to Reed & Mackay to provide my personal information to the airline company when they need to book a flight I don't give my consent to Reed & Mackay to provide my personal data to the airline company when they are required to book a flight