EACCME® participant’s evaluation form Nombre How useful to you personally was each session? 1) Quality of the event How useful for your professional activity did you find this event? choose * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful If this activity was not useful, please explain why: What was your overall impression of this event? Programme * Excellent Good Fairly good Poor Very poor Organisation * Excellent Good Fairly good Poor Very poor What was the best aspect of this event? * What was the worst aspect of this event? * 2) Relevance of the event Did the event fulfil your educational goals and expected learning outcomes? * Very much Somewhat Not much Not at all Undecided Was the presented information well balanced and consistently supported by a valid scientific evidence base? * Very much Somewhat Not much Not at all Undecided What was your overall impression of this event? Session 1: Genes matter! * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Session 2: 1, 2, 3, Let's start! ... Stimulating differently! * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Parallel Session Embryology 1: Rescue in the lab: SOS eggs and embryos * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Debate I: DUAL Stimulation * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Debate II: PCOS: In vitro maturation or simply stimulation? * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Session 3: * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Session 4: Time to * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Session 5: Get the balance right! Quality vs. Quantity in poor prognosis patients * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Session 6: AI in ART: Are we summoning the daemon? * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Debate III: Time to pull the trigger for final oocyte maturation * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Parallel Session Embryology 2. Big Zoom to embryo culture * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Session 7: Opening the * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Session 8: Eat right, breathe right &... live right! * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Session 9: Can anyone see the man in the room? * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA Session 10: Repeated implantation failure (RIF): * Extremely useful Useful Fairly useful Not useful Undecided/DNA 3) Suitability of formats used during the event Was there adequate time available for discussions, questions & answers and learner engagement? * Yes, always/almost always Yes, sometimes Only rarely Never Undecided Can you indicate any innovative elements during the activity? * 4) Ways the event affects clinical practice Will the information you learnt be implemented in your practice? * Very much Somewhat Not much Not at all Undecided Can you provide ONE example how this event will influence your future practice? * 5) Commercial bias Did all the faculty members provide their potential conflict of interest declaration with the sponsor(s) as a second slide of their presentation? * Yes, all Yes, for the majority Yes, but only a small part No Undecided/ don’t know Can you provide an example of biased presentation in this activity? * Do you agree that the information was overall free of commercial and other bias? * Strongly agree Rather agree Rather disagree Strongly disagree Undecided / don't know